12973 Solanum quitoense – Naranjilla – Lulo


Packet Content: 10 seeds


The Naranjilla, Lulo – Solanum quitoense is a tomato relative native to the northern part of South America and it’s cultivated usually at high elevations, between 1000 and 2000 m. The plant can grow to heights of 1,5 to 3 m. with very large spiny leaves, often measuring 50 cm long, and 12 to 20 cm wide or bigger. The dark green leaves have purple veins on the upper surface and whitish or purplish on the lower surface. All parts of the plant are very pubescent and contain many thorns. The globular shaped fruit usually measure 3 to 6 cm diameter at maturity. They are bright orange and covered with short brittle hairs, which can be easily removed by rubbing. When cut open, the fruit resembles a tomato with green, acid pulp and many small seeds. A delicious and refreshing green colored juice is prepared from the fruits and the fruits can be made into drinks, or used in preserves and pies.